27.10.13Lynx Micro Systems ANR headsetit! Lynx Micro Systems sarjan passiivi-headsettien (PNR) rinnalle on nyt saatavana myös aktiiviversio, eli ANR headsetit aktiivisella melunvaimennuksella:
Following the recent introduction of the new G3 Passive Noise Attenuation (PNR) version of their Micro System headset, Lynx Avionics has announced a G4 version which includes digital Active Noise Reduction (ANR) and a digital Voice Controlled Microphone (VCM).
The digital ANR electronics monitor the level of background noise inside the ear-cups and generate an equal volume of anti-noise which is opposite in phase; this effectively reduces the amount of low frequency background noise inside the ear-cups. The ANR function can be switched on or off using a selector switch on the right hand ear-cup. When the ANR function is switched off, the headset works as a normal Passive Noise Reduction (PNR) headset.
The VCM electronics monitor the headset and disable the microphone when no voice signal is present. The microphone is re-enabled instantly when the VCM system detects speech. The VCM system uses digital technology to differentiate between speech and background noise/wind noise and adjusts automatically to changes in noise level. The VCM function can be switched on or off using a selector switch on the left-hand ear-cup. When the VCM function is switched off, the headset microphone remains active continuously. The G4 headset (ANR/VCM) also includes all of the other product improvements found in the G3 headset (PNR).
The new Micro System Headset G4 is backwards compatible with all previous versions of Lynx Micro System products and is available now.
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